Become a Host Employer

Membership / Become a Host Employer

Become a Host Employer

Master Builders SA’s Group Training Organisation provides professional apprentice management services for our members, creating low risk employment and training opportunities for quality apprentices seeking a long term career in the Building and Construction Industry.

Members who are looking to grow their business can hire apprentices for short and long term placements at competitive rates. Master Builders SA manages all the paperwork such as leave entitlements and superannuation, and arranges off-the-job training (trade school) with an RTO.

Providing flexible hosting arrangements means our members can spend more time focusing on managing and growing their business.

Hosting a Master Builders SA apprentice is currently only available to members of Master Builders SA. Not a member? If you would like more information about becoming a member, please contact our Membership team on 8211 7466 or email

Need more information?

Contact our membership team today to find out more about becoming a member with Master Builders SA