
About Us / History


Master Builders Association of South Australia Inc (Master Builders SA) was established in 1884 as the peak body representing South Australia’s building and construction industry.

Master Builders SA is committed to building a productive industry and a prosperous South Australian community and economy.

The South Australian building and construction industry directly employs more than 65,000 South Australians across all sectors, including residential, commercial, civil engineering, land development and building completion services. Indirectly, the industry supports tens of thousands more South Australian jobs.

Our Industry

The industry undertakes about $16 billion of work every year, contributing more than $1 for every $7 of economic activity within the State. Indirectly, more than one-quarter of South Australia’s wealth is produced by the building and construction industry.

South Australia’s building and construction industry is focused on the development and transfer of skills into a life-long career. It is consistently among the leading sectors when it comes to training and apprentices and last year provided new apprentice places for more young workers than the Northern Territory, ACT and Tasmania combined.

Master Builders SA is proud of the industry it represents, the jobs it creates, the 11,000 homes it built and extended for families last year and commercial premises it has built for South Australian businesses.

Purpose, Values and What We Do

Strategic Plan July 2024 to June 2027_Approved by Council 26 June 2024_For Website

Who are we?

Master Builders Association of South Australia Inc (Master Builders SA) was established in 1884 as the peak body representing South Australia’s building and construction industry.

We are committed to building a productive industry and a prosperous South Australian community and economy.

Become a part of the team and help make an impact in the South Australian building and construction industry.

Strong Building, Strong Economy

Master Builders SA is committed to delivering a strong and productive building and construction industry and South Australian economy.

The advocacy work we do is based on member feedback and extensive research by the team at Master Builders SA.

Our committees – Housing, Commercial, Subcontractor, Contracts and Industrial Relations – are the “engine room” of our policy development.

We want all members to have the opportunity to have their say, so if there are any issues you want addressed please contact us via policy@mbasa.com.au or call us on 82117466.

Top Priorities

1. Housing affordability

Inefficient land release strategies, excessive development levies, taxes and charges, and excessive planning and building requirements drive up house prices by about 40 per cent.

2. Productive infrastructure

Ensuring there is a strong infrastructure pipeline: roads, hospitals, schools and other public buildings.

3. Cost of doing business

Industry needs a supportive environment to take risks to support future growth. This means less red and green tape, and less taxes.

4. Training

A strong apprenticeship system that ensures a prosperous industry in the future.

5. Planning

A planning system that delivers more and faster development assessments

6. Economic management

Paying down debt and responsible budget management are important priorities for state and federal governments. Reduced public expenditure, as opposed to increased taxation, is the long-term solution.