

Master Builders Association of South Australia Inc. (“MBASA”) as a peak industry association in South Australia takes its obligations under the Privacy Act seriously and has taken all reasonable steps in order to comply with the Act and protect the privacy of any personal information that we hold. This policy sets out how we do this.


MBASA is covered by the National Privacy Principles (NPPs), as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000).

To comply with our obligations under the NPPs we have a Privacy Policy, which sets out how we manage privacy in our organisation.

MBASA has prepared this statement to inform you about its policy for maintaining the confidentiality of personal information it collects and holds. MBASA’s Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time.


MBASA chiefly obtains personal information – including sensitive information – from you as an applicant for membership, as an applicant for insurance or other brokered products, as a purchaser or user of MBASA SA products or services, and / or as an applicant for employment with the Association.

In addition, MBASA routinely receives or obtains personal information about third parties (which can include you) from other members and from members of the public, as well as from publicly available records.


All such information will, or may, be used for any or all of the following purposes:

  • consideration of applicants for membership, employment, and for various services and benefits;
  • membership records, administration, marketing of individual members to actual or potential clients;
  • elections;
  • membership drives;
  • dissemination to you of MBASA publications, releases and other information relevant to members and / or to the public;
  • insurance records, administration marketing;
  • marketing, administration and records for other services offered to members or to the public;
  • to be provided to third party suppliers for marketing purposes
  • general administrative and marketing purposes of the Association;
  • statistical analyses and reports;
  • administration of the MBASA Constitution and the Master Builders Association Inc Code of Ethics;
  • exchange of information with other State Master Builders Associations with the MBASA Inc;
  • marketing of MBASA , MBASA ’s products and services; and of sponsors’ products and services to you, to other members or to the public;
  • marketing of selected other products and services to you;
  • administration of any and all of the above activities; and
  • statutory obligations.


Unless you advise us otherwise, in supplying personal information, you hereby agree to any or all of the above uses of your personal information that you supply to MBASA. You also hereby agree to similar use of other personal information that we may obtain about you from other sources mentioned above.

Subject to the Privacy Act, if we acquire any of your personal information in other ways, or if we use your personal information for purposes other than those listed above (or other than purposes reasonably related to, or reasonably implied from, those), we will notify you and seek your consent. Whenever reasonably practicable we will seek such consent in advance of, but in any case as soon as practicable after, such event. At such times, we will take reasonable steps to inform you of:

  • the purpose/s for which the information is collected;
  • any law – where applicable – that requires us to collect that information; and
  • the main consequences if you refuse or fail to supply any item or items of information, or to authorise its collection or its use.


The Privacy Act allows you to access and – if appropriate – to correct or to update our records containing personal information relating to you.

Subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act, on request we will arrange access for you to inspect your personal information held by MBASA. If, following such inspection, you wish to update or correct any item or items of your personal information, arrangements will be made for you to apply for such update or correction. The information will be updated or corrected – as the case may be – if we are satisfied, on reasonable grounds that this is correct and justified.


We will not disclose your personal information to third parties except with your consent as outlined above or in other circumstances where such disclosure is permitted, or required, under the Privacy Act or other legislation.


Transmitting information via the internet carries a security risk, which we cannot and will not attempt to control. Before using the internet for communication, please assess the attendant risks, and proceed only if you are prepared to accept those risks.


You can obtain more information about your rights and about remedies of any breaches from the Privacy Commissioner on Hotline 1800 023 985 or by linking to our Privacy Policy.

We welcome any feedback you may care to provide concerning our privacy policy statements.

Please direct any questions or complaints about MBASA ’s Website Privacy Statement by calling (08) 8211 7466.


As a business organisation we appreciate the importance of confidentiality. Our privacy policy deals with any additional right to privacy and is independent of any contractual and ethical obligations.

MBASA may collect, use and hold the following personal information:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone / Fax numbers
  • Occupation
  • Career history
  • Career plans
  • References
  • Results of aptitude and other tests
  • Other information which may be collected when you visit our website to read or download information, which may include your server address, domain name, the date and time of your visit to our website, the pages viewed and the information downloaded.

MBASA collects, uses and discloses the information in accordance with our Collection Statement.


We will take reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information that we hold. This includes appropriate measures to protect electronic materials and materials stored and generated in hard copy.

Collection Statement

MBASA will not collect personal information unless the information is necessary to enable us to undertake our activities. WE will advise you when we are collecting personal information from you, for what purpose we are collecting it and how we will use it.

Personal information may be collected by staff of MBASA in the context of recruitment, provision of services, payment of services, organization of conferences and other functions, employment placements, and visits to the MBASA website.

Type of personal information collected

In most cases this will include contact details, credit card details, employment information, resumes, and information which may be collected when you visit our website to read or download information, which may include your server address, domain name, the date and time of your visit to our site, the pages viewed and the information downloaded.


MBASA may impose the following charges inclusive of GST:

  • Photocopying – $2 per page
  • Delivery cost of information stored off-site – where information if stored off-site, the cost of obtaining access to the information – $30 per hour
  • Postage Costs


How we handle privacy complaints
MBASA sees the importance of privacy to the organisation, its customers and other stakeholders. As such MBASA is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information that we hold. This is part of our organisation’s:
(a) Legal obligations under the Privacy Act 1988
(b) Ethical and business obligations
(c) Service to you

MBASA places high priority on effectively dealing with any complaints about privacy that you may have.


At all times the conduct under this policy will be governed by the following principles:
(a) All complaints will be treated seriously
(b) All complaints will be dealt with promptly
(c) All complaints will be dealt with in a confidential manner
(d) Any privacy complaints will not effect your existing obligations or the commercial arrangements that exist between this organisation and you.


If you have provided us with personal information you may make a complaint, have it investigated and dealt with under this policy.


A privacy complaint relates to any concern or dispute that you have with our privacy practices as it relates to your personal information. This could include matters such as:
(a) How personal information is collected
(b) How personal information is stored
(c) How this information is used or disclosed
(d) How access is provided
(e) How accurate the information is that we hold


MBASA resolves grievances at the local level if possible. If you have a complaint about privacy please contact the Privacy Officer.

All complaints will be logged on a database / complaints register.

You may complain orally or in writing to:

c/o Master Builders SA

Level 1, 47 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

Phone: (08) 8211 7466


Usually your contact with MBASA will be the appropriate person to discuss or resolve your complaint, however, if your privacy complaint is not resolved the matter will then be referred to the Privacy Officer, and then if necessary, the Chief Executive Officer.


The goal of this policy is to achieve an effective resolution of your complaint within the reasonable timeframe.

Once the complaint has been made, the point of contact can then resolve the matter in a number of ways:

  1. Request further information and investigation: your initial contact may request further information from you. You should be prepared to give as many details as possible including details of any relevant dates and documentation. This will enable the contact to investigate the complaint and determine an appropriate and useful solution. All details provided will be kept confidential.
  2. A complaint will be investigated. MBASA will try to do so as soon as possible. It may be necessary to contact others in order to proceed with the investigation.
  3. Discuss Options: We will discuss options for resolution and if you have suggestions about how the matter might be resolved you should discuss these with your contact. The contact could also suggest other solutions or give examples of how the personal information can be revised or stored in a different way.
  4. Refer to Executive Director: If your complaint is not resolved at the local level or with the Privacy Officer, it will be referred to the Executive Director. The Executive Director would be provided with the history and may discuss the complaint with the employees, or other parties that are involved.
  5. Resolution: You will be informed of the outcome and the reasons for the decision. If this does not resolve the complaint, the matter will be referred to a mutually agreed intermediary.
  6. If after the above steps have been followed you are still dissatisfied with the outcome you may refer the complaint to the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner.


MBASA will keep a record of your complaint and the outcome.


MBASA is unable to deal with anonymous complaints as we are unable to investigate properly and follow-up such complaints.
However, in the event that an anonymous complaint is received, MBASA will note the issues raised and try to resolve them appropriately.


For any further information about this policy please contact the Privacy Officer at Master Builders SA on 8211 7466