
Adam Jones Pty Ltd


Comment from Roley:

A testimonial on how Master Builders group training helps you
Given the diversity of our projects our usual preference is to have apprentices for reasonably long periods. This gives them the opportunity to put into practice what they have learnt and become valued members of our team. There are also times when the flexibility offered by MBAGTS is a great help to us in filling our labour gaps while being able to help out with training at the same time.

Some information on your business
Adams Jones Pty Ltd was founded over 25 years ago; since that time we have completed countless carpentry packages across the whole range of commercial construction. I did the Adelaide Oval roof walk a while back and when looking over the city I was quite surprised by the number of major projects within that view that we have had a hand in.

What you do and how you see yourself helping apprentices develop their careers
Brett & I have directly taken on numerous apprentices over the years and in more recent times also through MBA. Around 30 in all I think. We are both of the view that running a trade based business it is important to continually encourage young people into a trade and offer good training so they can progress to being confident, well rounded tradesfolk.

Field co-ordinator
“Jason and the Adam’s Jones staff have been nothing but patient, and supportive of Master Builders – hosting apprentices from Master Builders SA for many years, and most recently taking one of their Master Builders apprentices (Liam Fitzgerald) for almost his entire apprenticeship!  Thanks to the whole gang over at Adams Jones, and we look forward to working with you even more in the future.”