
Archi Baker

June 2023

Trade: Carpentry

Stage of apprenticeship: 3rd Year

Host Employer: M&C Burns

Why did you become an apprentice?

I became an apprentice so I could become a qualified carpenter and have experience in the building industry  

What do you enjoy most about your apprenticeship?

What I most enjoy about my apprenticeship is learning new things and working outdoors

Would you recommend Master Builders SA apprenticeships to others and why?

Yes I would because they are helpful and support you

Field coordinator comments:

Archi has always been open and honest when we chat on site and hands been a real ‘hands off’ apprentice, as in requires very little actual management by myself as his fieldy.

Archi is spoken very highly of by the host and he has required next to no input from me at any point during his apprenticeship.

Host employer comments:

Both Pat and Mark have never had a bad word to say about Archi – he is punctual, reliable, and works hard.