
Cameron Ramsbottom

March 2024

Trade: Carpentry

Stage: 3rd Year

Commencement: 10/02/2023

Expected completion: 28/11/2025

Host employer: HULLY Pty Ltd

Why did you become an apprentice?

I became an apprentice because I have a thriving passion for working with my hands and being a carpenter apprentice has given me this opportunity whilst also giving me the amazing sense of accomplishment with every project I complete.

What do you enjoy most about your apprenticeship?

What I enjoy the most about being an apprentice is the pride and joy I have, to be able to say I was apart of building that project or this one and the joy and freedom you feel on site working hard whilst still being able to enjoy being outside and in some amazing environments and areas that you work in.

Would you recommend Master Builders SA apprenticeships to others and why?

I would recommend master builders to people wanting to undergo an apprenticeship or wanting to try something new. Master builders make the process so easy and are incredibly helpful with all paperwork and all the confusing stuff they handle with the upmost professionalism and have been amazing to work for, with regular Check ins and always strive to make me feel appreciated and like a person within the company rather then just a number or employee. They provide so many opportunities amongst there range of host employers you have the opportunity to go anywhere within the industry and master builders give you all the tools, equipment and most importantly plenty of support to help you along your journey to become a qualified trade

Field Coordinator Comments

Cameron is a committed and enthusiastic apprentice who is willing to go above and beyond for his host. I haven’t ever heard Cameron complain or whinge about anything since he started, which is admirable. He is consistently positive about work and life in general, and tends to think outside the square.