MBASA Developing Reconciliation Action Plan

Master Builders SA is developing its first Reconciliation Action Plan.

We are working to develop relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and explore our sphere of influence.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) will give Master Builders SA a framework to contribute to the reconciliation movement. RAPs deliver tangible and substantive benefits for First Nations peoples and increase cultural safety in the workplace.

Master Builders SA’s vision is to be the South Australian premier industry association for the benefit of members and the community. With the community in focus, Master Builders SA is committed to embracing and strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples to create a just, equitable and reconciled Australia. Our organisation has the responsibility and influence to lead a meaningful change in this space and make a genuine contribution towards “Closing the Gap” and bringing national unity.

We realise this is the first step in a journey and will be sharing with you more information as we increase our knowledge and awareness.

If you would like to discuss this further please contact Master Builders SA on 8211 7466.

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