Critical Housing and Land Supply Fast-Tracked

Yesterday, our Chief Executive Officer Will Frogley joined Premier Peter Malinauskas and Housing and Urban Development Minister Nick Champion at a press conference in Noarlunga to announce the release of land in Adelaide’s North and South to allow the development of nearly 1900 homes.

Three key parcels of land – at Noarlunga Downs (600 homes), Aldinga (800 homes) and Golden Grove (500 homes) – will be unlocked for development, fast-tracking more land to market to address the State’s growing housing need.

The new homes will be developed through Government partnerships (Noarlunga Downs), a Renewal SA-led open market process (Aldinga) and rezoning and residential land (Golden Grove).

It is anticipated residents could move into the new homes by 2026, about 12 months after construction at each site commences.

Master Builders SA will continue to fight hard for policies that improve housing affordability and support jobs in the building and construction industry.

Read the full media release here.

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