
Giuliano Centofanti

August 2022

Trade: Bricklaying

Stage of apprenticeship: Third Year

Commencement date: 28/02/2022

Expected completion date: 18/08/2023

Host Employer: Brickwork by Art

“I became an apprentice when I realised school wasn’t for me. I did research into alternatives to schooling and a trade was something that caught my attention. I did further research and getting a trade ticked all the boxes for me. I get paid to learn in an industry that will last forever, I get to be in the outdoors all day and I get to enhance my communication and networking skills with customers and my fellow co-workers.

I enjoy being an apprentice greatly as I see the construction industry as a very job secure occupation. People will always need someone to build a home or a school or even do renovation and patch up work, and there aren’t a lot of people that can raise their hand and can say “I can help with that”. Something else I enjoy is stepping back at the end of the day and seeing that I have built something definite and that will stand for a long time.

In comparison to my first employment agency, Master Builders are an excellent agency to start or continue an apprenticeship with and I would recommend them to anyone. When I recommenced my apprenticeship I was given guides and booklets of helpful information on avenues I can take once finishing my apprenticeship and about the help and support Master Builders offer alongside a box full of PPE and uniform that helped me get a running start back into the trade.”