
Sam Rains

September 2023

What do you enjoy most about your apprenticeship?

Trade: Carpentry

Stage of apprenticeship: 2nd Year

Host Employer: Exzact Construction Group

Why did you become an apprentice?

Versatility, freedom of work, new sites, different cultures, always picking up new skills. More confident and getting paid. Being able to be social with other apprentices, host employers and staff

Would you recommend Master Builders SA apprenticeships to others and why?

Safer, flexible, job security, help funding courses, rates are good and fare, support and psychology and the RISE initiative.

Field coordinator comments:

Sam is a reliable, friendly, hardworking apprentice. He has a good relationship with his host employer, communicates well, completes his TAKE 5’s. Sam is held in high regard with his peers and all Master Builders staff for his positive, can do attitude.