SA Housing Roadmap

Master Builder SA applauds SA Premier Peter Malinauskas and his government for their strong vision and investment to address the housing crisis outlined at the SA Housing Roadmap event held on 25th June 2025 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Median house prices in SA have risen more than 60 per cent in four years, and home ownership is rapidly sliding away for future generations. The Government outlined today a bold range of policy decisions to increase housing construction.

The headline announcement was $1.5 billion to be funded jointly by Government, industry and taxpayers for SA Water infrastructure to unlock 40,000 new homes over four years.

While the focus will be on the rise in water bills (3.5 per cent above CPI), the reality is that is has come as a result of chronic under investment in the network by successive previous governments. The massive investment to correct this will unlock desperately needed greenfields development.

Developers will contribute to the cost of infrastructure through a new levy on new blocks of $10k on greenfields blocks. It will be scaled up to $10k over four years for in-fill in multiples of $2,500 per year.

Master Builders SA CEO Will Frogley applauded the government’s commitment tackling the housing crisis.

“The economic future of our state hinges on being able to slow rising median house price growth,” he said.

“But, more than that, we have a responsibility to our future generations to keep the dream of home ownership alive.

“Well done to the Premier for showing the courage to act decisively on this issue. We must now ensure the rubber hits the road and we get cracking on delivering critical infrastructure, and ultimately more homes.”

Below is a summary of today’s announcements :

– The government has announced a systemic overhaul with taxes being imposed on new subdivisions both in greenfield and infill (2.5k-10k per lot) to cover the $1.5B required in the next 4 years. The baseline costs for augmentation will be capped well below what is needed and the shortfall made up through pre-budgeted funds and SA Water bill increases.

– Developers will have the option to go to private suppliers to deliver critical infrastructure under a new regulatory system that is based on transparency and accountability. A review process will enable developers to challenge specific details on infrastructure. This will be made available through a new Coordinator General with call in powers.

– The code amendment process will have a new fast tracked model

– The Government will provide a template. If followed, it will lead to condensed timeframes with truncated engagement and a portal that shows transparency as to where the code amendment is at in the system. This will show who is looking at it and provide accountability.

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