Building Excellence Award Winners 2022

Winners / Building Excellence Award Winners 2022

Building Excellence Award Winners 2022


The workmanship demonstrated by Built Surfaces on the Greek Orthodox Community Church Port Adelaide, was exemplary. The judges were extremely impressed with the high level of skill, attention to detail, obvious commitment, and the manner in which the Built Surfaces team worked with all stakeholders to bring this intricate project to fruition. It is quite rare nowadays to see workmanship of this level and such well-honed trade skills and practises. Built Surfaces has set a new benchmark as a specialist contractor in this sector and the entire team is to be commended on their skill and commitment to achieving excellence.

Sponsored by Government of South Australia

Master Builder of the Year – Display Home Builder 2022


Scott Salisbury Homes consistently delivers impressive homes to an exceptional standard and has a reliable and close group of tradespeople they work with to achieve a high-end result. They are constantly striving to improve efficiency and reliability across all facets of their business. This year, they delivered a beautiful display home that was innovative in its use of materials, with the result being a credit to their team.

Sponsored by Government of South Australia

Master Builder of the Year – Residential Builder 2022


Finesse Built should be proud of their achievements in a year that will be remembered for some of the building and construction industries greatest highs, lows, and challenges. They have achieved excellence in every project they entered with an exceptional standard of finishes and client satisfaction in all cases, all whilst battling COVID, material shortages, and price escalation. All projects were delivered with professional conduct and a friendly warmth from the team. Finesse Built is a worthy winner of this highly contested and prestigious award.

Sponsored by Government of South Australia

Master Builder of the Year – Commercial Builder 2022


Sarah Constructions has been judged worthy winners of Commercial Builder of the Year 2022 against some extremely competent competition. Of the eight projects Sarah entered this year, they were judged winners in five categories across multiple judging teams. In every judging criterion they performed to a very high standard and in all cases displayed innovation in building practices. The varied challenges confronted by Sarah on their projects were managed in a very competent and professional manner. Congratulations to Sarah Constructions on a well-deserved win.

Sponsored by Government of South Australia

Young Builder/Specialist Contractor of the Year 2022


Enduro Builders

Jackson Digney from Enduro Builders impressed the judges with his commitment to improving the industry through innovation. Jackson has undertaken extensive study and research in Passive Haus design to ensure his clients receive high performance and sustainable homes that don’t cost the earth. It is Jackson’s commitment to the industry that set him apart. In particular, his willingness to impart his knowledge to peers, rather than see them as competitors. Jackson truly believes that a rising tide floats all boats and he is committed to seeing industry improvements that are both sustainable and affordable. Jackson is a worthy recipient of Young Builder of the Year 2022.

Sponsored by Carey Training 

Excellence in a Contract Home $1m to $2m


Project: Mitcham

A robust build by Glasshouse Projects on a difficult steep site, balanced by simplicity and lightness that has been executed with a high level of skill. This property has a plethora of beautifully delivered, simple to the eye details which are often the hardest to achieve. The project further capitalises on the picturesque vista of views over Adelaide. Glasshouse Projects is a worthy winner of this prestigious award.

Sponsored by James Hardie

HiViZ Outstanding Woman in Construction 2022


University of South Australia + Construction Management Lecturer

Anna-Clare Longford was Master Builders SA’s first female carpentry apprentice in 1994. Since her early days as an apprentice, she has held many roles, including TAFE lecturer, estimator, project services coordinator and is now lecturing construction management at the University of South Australia. As a course coordinator for the Construction Management degree, Anna has embedded the very important Mates in Construction ‘General Awareness’ training into the course content for all first-year students. She also mentors with the Women Building Australia’s National Program. Anna is a leader for women in the building and construction industry and is a worthy winner of this award.

Sponsored by Toyota Australia

Apprentice of the Year – 2022


Matthew Fuller impressed the judges with his work ethic and approach to learning, taking every opportunity he can to expand his knowledge and learn from others. He was previously an apprentice of the year finalist and when he was not successful, took the opportunity to reflect, improve and advance his career. Matt’s approach to his profession and trade shows a maturity beyond his years and has set him up for a long and successful career in the building and construction industry. Well done Matthew.

Sponsored by Bianco

Work Health & Safety


Project: Yatala Labour Prison

Mossop Construction + Interiors’ senior management and project team demonstrated a very high commitment to providing a safe workplace on this project. Over 400,000 man hours had been worked when the judges visited the site, with only one minor injury recorded. Due to the size and scale of the site, it was divided into four separate work areas for safety management and reporting. 1450 workers were inducted with an electronic iris recognition system used for site access. Mossop are truly worthy winners of this WHS award.

Sponsored by Bianco

Supporting Local Industry


It is evident that supporting the local community is crucial to Fusco Constructions. They have completed many projects that have provided fundamental services to regional and remote communities with a strong focus on local engagement. Their dedication to develop and train young people into pathways in building and construction is a testament to their commitment to the industry. Fusco has a strong history of providing training and enterprise opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The employment model they developed and used in the remote APY Lands achieved an unprecedented 30 per cent direct employment of Anangu workers. Fusco is a very worthy winner of this award.

Sponsored by MEGT

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